Everywhere you turn, people are looking for different types of work that they can get involved with today. It makes sense that people gravitate towards industries where they see a lot of stable and potentially enjoyable jobs. This is why the automotive service industry is having a big moment at this time. There are a lot of people who need assistance with their automobiles, and there are a lot of ways to help people get those services when they need them. Today, we will take a look at the top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry that one can find in the automotive service industry.
Luxury Car Rental
There is something special about rolling up to a special event in a luxury vehicle. This is why the limousine rental business remains as strong as it does. From going to a business event to going to a prom, people still like to do so in a limousine. You can offer those services to people who need that by being wise about how you are providing services to people who require this type of service.
To get started in this type of business you will need a fair amount of capital to purchase the vehicles that you need to rent out to people who are looking for this service. It might require that you take out a loan to purchase the limousines that are needed to rent out to others. Once you have that, you will also need to purchase good insurance on those limousines and hire drivers to take people where they need to go.
This business is expensive to get started in as it takes a lot of startup capital to get it off the ground. However, you will very likely have a steady flow of business coming your way because this remains a very popular form of transportation for those who need to get from one place to another. This is why it’s listed as one of the top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry.
General Auto Repair Shop
If you have a knack for repairing vehicles, then you will surely find a lot of willing customers who will gladly take you up on your services. There are a lot of people who need assistance with general auto repairs from time to time, and you will find a long line of customers who are happy to get the help that they need from a repair shop when they need it.
Auto body repair is a service that is needed everywhere because there are vehicles around everywhere, and most people don’t know how to repair their own vehicles as much as they might like to. Instead, they rely on vehicle repair shops to come through for them to assist with this kind of thing.
This type of business relies on a lot of word-of-mouth advertising. You will discover that people are happy to refer their friends and family to you if you do great work for them. You just need to prove that you are able to bring that to them. Make sure you show the people that you work for that you know what you are doing, and you will get the kind of results that you would come to expect from working on a service like this.
Automotive Paint Protection
The paint on your vehicle is something that you want to keep protected against all of the elements. It is easy to see your paint job suffer from general wear and tear after it is used for some period of time. To keep this as under control as possible, you need to look to the auto paint protection companies to assist you with the help that you might need to keep your auto paint safe.
Those looking to get a job in the automotive industry might want to learn a bit more about how painting an automobile works. It is different from what it takes to paint a house or a fence. There are special paints used and special techniques deployed to make the automobile look just the way that the driver wants it to. If you believe that you have the ability to offer this service to people, then you might want to sign up for the chance to work for a company that offers one of the top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry.
Mobile Emergency Services
There is always a concern among some people that they might get stranded somewhere on the road and not be able to get themselves unstuck very easily. This is why mobile automotive battery replacement is one of the top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry. This is not the only kind of emergency service that these companies offer, but it is a big one for those who have a vehicle that has a battery that goes dead on them.
Those who are good at working with automobiles might want to look at how they can get started with the process of taking on a job with a mobile emergency services company. They may find that it is possible to quickly take up a job with one of these types of companies. They can learn many things while on the job, but they can also take the skills that they have already obtained over the years and apply them to the work that they do for this company. They can help people in their moment of need, and they can get paid for doing so.
Automotive Tinting
Working for an auto tint shop is something that one can take pride in. Once again, they may apply their automotive knowledge in a specialized field that allows people to get the exact look that they want to get out of the vehicle that they own. Those who go to work for an auto tint shop will need to learn some specialized pieces of information to do their job as effectively as possible.
There are regulations regarding how tinted windows on an automobile can be, and those regulations vary from state to state. It is important to know what they are and how you can set up a customer’s vehicle to be within those guidelines. You should also work on figuring out how to apply the tint in a way that will look great and provide them with the nice look and touch that they are looking for when it comes to how their windows look.
Those who become quite skilled at this type of work will generally have no trouble finding a job in the auto tinting industry. They will easily be able to get a job with one of these companies or another. Thus, it is a great field to begin to get involved with and earns a place in the top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry.
Automotive Locksmith
Most have experienced being locked out of their vehicle, their home, or some other piece of their property that is important to them. When they get locked out of their car, they need to call an auto locksmith out to help them get back into the vehicle.
The auto locksmith business is incredibly competitive right now as there are both freelance locksmiths and companies that offer this service as well. Thus, you need to be very serious about getting into this line of work and be certain that this is what you want to do. You will be fending off a lot of the competition to get to the calls that are made by those who are locked out of their vehicles. If you can get started, you’ll soon see why it’s one of the top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry.
What you will find is that people will pay significant money to get back into their vehicles after being locked out. They can’t just wait around when they are locked out of their car, and they might even be willing to pay more if they are locked out at a bad time such as the middle of the night. Thus, you need to be prepared to work odd hours and answer calls to come out for service whenever necessary.
High-End Car Repair
Those with high-end luxury cars are not going to take their vehicle just anywhere to get it repaired. Instead, they will look for car repair from the kind of specialty shops that know what they are doing. This means that some people find work in jobs that allow them to work on fancy luxury vehicles. They might understand what makes those vehicles tick better than others. If that is the case, then it just makes sense that people might be interested in learning how to get a job working in this kind of career. They can start building a resume for themselves that allows them to take on jobs working on luxury automobiles almost anywhere that they go.
Auto Insurance Sales
You might be surprised, but this is another one of our top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry. Getting involved in the automobile insurance business means that you can help provide people with the insurance coverage that they need to take care of their vehicle while it is on the road. They can be certain that they have the protection that they need in terms of insurance, and you can offer them the peace of mind that they are looking for.
Many states require at least a minimum of automobile insurance for people to legally operate a motor vehicle in the state at all. Thus, you will certainly have a job in insurance if you decide to get involved in the automobile insurance business.
Those who get into this kind of work will sometimes be able to land a job for themselves that allows them to collect money on the policies that they sell going into the future. They can be paid a commission on those policies as long as the policyholder keeps their policy and continues to pay the premiums. This isn’t always the case, but some who work in insurance are able to pull this off.
Automotive Muffler Repair
There are specifics to muffler repair that differ from other types of repairs that one might do on a vehicle. Thus, there are some who specialize in learning how to do auto muffler repairs. This gives them the chance to learn new skills that make it possible for them to provide a service to customers that they aren’t able to get elsewhere. Muffler repair is so common that this job itself makes it on the list of the top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry.
Mufflers are a vital part of the vehicle that keeps it from being too loud when one is driving it around. The importance of this is that there are ordinances in some areas that require that vehicles be under a certain volume when they are being driven around. This might seem extreme, but that is the best way for certain local areas to make sure that loud and annoying vehicles aren’t disturbing others. Thus, mufflers are a very big deal and need to be considered.
Those who learn everything that they can about mufflers very likely have a job for life working for a muffler repair company if they decide to do so. That is a big deal and should not be overlooked. A guaranteed job that one can rely on whenever they need the income is a great way to build up the skills that you need to handle anything that is thrown at you.
Automotive Glass Repair
Glass is a major part of all vehicles. Drivers need to look out of their windshield to see where they are going, and they also need to use their rearview mirror to see who is behind them as well. Thus, auto glass repairs are commonly requested by people who need this type of service themselves.
Learning how to repair auto glass means that you can take a job with any number of national auto glass repair companies. They often offer many people the kind of work that they need, and you are able to assist customers who need glass repair on the road.
Glass repair is not something that drivers can wait on. Thus, you will remain busy when you are in this type of job. Consider learning what you can about auto glass repair to put yourself in a good position to always have a job.
It’s easy to see why these are all part of the top 10 jobs in the automotive service industry. If you’re into cars and you need a new job, consider one of these paths for moving forward.