The average consumer who drives a truck may decide on their purchase for a variety of different reasons. While some people purchase for a truck for purely utilitarian reasons, others make their purchases to project an image. Especially for the people who purchase trucks to project an image, the look of that truck is especially important. For many of these buyers, vinyl cutting tape and spray on bedliners are popular options.
Vinyl Cutting Tape. Available in a variety of colors, vinyl cutting tape is used to customize and decorate any kind of vehicles. for instance, a white Ford F-150 pickup can look like every other model in a crowded shopping mall parking lot. Attractively designed and professionally installed vinyl wrap tape, however, can create a unique look that allows the pick up to stand out from other similar models. Often completed in a single day appointment, these colorful options are also popular for many business vehicles. Rather than apply whole car wraps to advertise the name of a company, some company vehicles instead make use of custom designed tape graphics.
Spray On Bedliners. While vinyl cut tape may be used for customization, bedliners often serve an additional purpose, protecting the truck. Truckliners that come up and over the top of the truck bed provide protection from scratches, dents, and sometimes, rust. While trucks that do not have bedliners often suffer a lot of abuse, the trucks with bedliners maintain their look and their values. Polyurethane, thick protective material, can be sprayed from 1/16 inch to 4 inches, depending on the kind and number of applications. Thinner coatings may cost less, but they often chip and crack and need to be frequently replaced. On the other hand, some people fear that the thicker coatings will destroy the shape and size of the truck bed.
In the year 2013, one of every eight new vehicles sold in America was a full-size pickup truck. Of those pickup trucks sold, nearly 90% of them were built by Chrysler, Ford, or General Motors. As a result these vehicles can look like many others on the road. Customization options like vinyl tape and spray linings can transform a common vehicle into a unique driving experience. Considering that sales of pickup trucks in the U.S. increased by 8% in August 2015, customized options may continue to grow in popularity.