Machining tools have, on some level, been around for centuries. We rely upon machining tools to shape metal for a variety of different purposes. No matter how sturdy or well-made a particular tool is, however, it isn’t going to last forever — at the same time, the cost of rebuilding tools on your own isn’t cheap. For that matter, while many know how to use machine tools, rebuilding them or fixing them is another issue entirely. Many, therefore, end up replacing tools outright once they’re damaged. Certainly, this is better than using a tool that doesn’t work properly, as this can present a variety of different problems and even cause injury. But there is another option. Machine tool services are available to help fix or rebuild tools. The cost of rebuilding tools, when handled by a professional, can often be less expensive than that of replacing tools outright. Machine shops can work on a variety of different tools as well, making it possible for machinists to both save money and use the tools they’ve come to rely upon. Below, we’ll give a quick introduction to some reliable types of machine tools that can often be repaired at machine shops. The more you know about what you’re using, the sooner you’ll know when to start discussing repairs with a reliable shop.
1. The Lathe
If someone new to machining is familiar with any type of machine tool, it’s probably the lathe. The lathe is really very ancient, dating back to Ancient Egypt. In fact, the earliest real machine tools date back to 1200 B.C. and include the bow lathe and the bow drill. Unlike some machine tools, a lathe can be used to shape metal and wood alike — this made it invaluable to early civilizations, and it didn’t go out of style. By the time the Industrial Revolution rolled around, lathes were being powered by water wheels and steam engines. Nowadays, lathes are still used to make a variety of different products. This includes gun barrels, table legs, musical instruments, and even candlesticks. Of course, there is a specific process that goes into caring for and keeping a lathe. Its drive belt, for one, should regularly be checked for consistency and tension. Its gibs should also be adjusted on a regular basis in order to avoid damage and unnecessary friction. A lathe should also be cleaned and wiped down regularly, and is wiper pads must be not only cleaned but re-oiled. This should keep your cost of rebuilding tools down, and ensure that your lathe lasts a long time.
2. Boring Machines
Boring machines are, as the name implies, machines that are used to bore holes in either wood or metal. Prior to the invention of such machines, holes were bored by hand and often were, as a result, imprecise or irregular. The first boring mill ever created was invented by John Wilkinson, and it was water-powered. Now, boring machines don’t necessarily need to be water-powered, but they do need to be taken care if you want to keep the cost of rebuilding tools low. A boring machine will have parts that regularly rub together, and these need to be lubricated in order to avoid any unnecessary erosion due to friction. Boring tools also need to be kept dry when not in use, as this prevents the deterioration associated with rust.
3. Cutting Tools
Cutting tools are machining tools with sharp edges that, as their name implies, are used to cut. Cutting tools need to be kept up to date in particular, for if they don’t work properly they can result in poorly made products at best, and grievous injury at the worst. There are some basic warning signs that a person can look out for with any machine tools, and this goes for cutting tools as well. Cutting tools might make noises if something is wrong with them, and may produce irregular work. If this happens, get in contact with a tool repair services.