As we continue to spread out across the country (and throughout the world), our vehicle industry has had to keep up. We make larger planes now to accommodate transcontinental trips and faster trains to get us where we’re going more quickly. And advertisers have noticed.
In fact, the Federal Highway Authority has reported that people are spending more time in their personal vehicles. That’s likely due to longer commute times, more traffic on the highways and the fact that there are more cars out on the road in general. Advertisers have noticed this, too, which is why vehicle wraps have begun to explode in popularity.
Yes, vehicle wraps. You know, those cars that look like they’re completely painted with some company’s logo around the entire thing, windows included? They’re actually wrapped in a very special vinyl covering in a highly specific form of mobile marketing called car wrap advertising. And, as you probably noticed, car wraps make your business stand out in more ways than one.
Have you ever been cruising down the highway only to discover what looks like a gigantic buzzing bee passing you on the left? Chances are it was not the apocalypse, as your initial impression might have led you to believe, but likely an exterminator service van decorated in the kind of special vinyl vehicle wraps that can get it noticed by more drivers on the road. If you remember anything like this every happening, that’s proof that the advertising actually worked.
More companies are choosing to invest in vehicle wraps advertising because they tend to cost less per impression than a lot of other forms of marketing. In other words, there’s one flat payment and plenty of heads get turned, as opposed to, say, pay-per-click marketing online, where a business pays the hosting site every time the ad gets clicked on. This not only leads to more money spent, but it could also result in potentially fewer views of the content as well.
The companies who specialize in auto wraps often offer warranties to cover any unforeseen circumstances that might occur while your advertising-mobile is on the road. This is the great outdoors we’re talking about, and Mother Nature tends to be rather indiscriminate in her wrath on occasion. That’s why covering your vehicle wrap can be a solid investment.
When you think about it, it’s actually very simple. Consider these car wraps as billboards on wheels, without all the tackiness of that kind of in-your-face advertising. This is stylish, effective, modern marketing on four wheels. So, what do you want your car wrap to tell the world? More like this: Orange county car wraps