The unexpected death of the music icon Prince has many of his fans across the world humming the tune and singing the lyrics of a certain little red car, but the fact of the matter is this red car is not the only automobile name that has frequently been mentioned in America’s favorite music. Mariah Carey, Jay Z, and Kid Rock are just a few of today’s recent artists to name-drop Chevrolet in their popular hit songs.
And while these singers keep the name of Chevrolet on the tips of tongues of music fans around the world, a certain Australian is responsible for helping make Subaru car dealers a household name. Between the years 1995 and 2000, Paul Hogan starred as his “Crocodile Dundee” film character worked with Subaru to create a series of advertisements for the fresh off the assembly line Subaru Outback. From a Subaru dealer Rochester NY to local Chevy dealerships around the country, Hogan, his Australian accent, and Subarus became widely known.
What makes both consumers and Subaru dealers around the world embrace such a unique advertising approach? An April 2016 New York Times article attempts to explain. In a feature about Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville, they aricle in the business section of the paper talks bout Buffet’s four thriving divisions: lodging, alcohol, licensing and media. Finding so much success in America, Buffet and his relaxed atmosphere and products are attempting to expand their growth overseas for the first time. On the surface, it makes since that if a Margaritaville restaurant works in a place like Omaha, Nebraska, a location hundreds of miles from any sand and surf, it can likely create its brand anywhere. The marketers indicate that the secret has been in promoting a “place” or an “atmosphere,” not just a name
Sometimes success seems nearly accidental, although it is clearly well planned. An April 2016 article in Forbes indicates that a Taylor Swift Apple Music commercial that shows her losing focus and sliding off a treadmill has gone viral and increased the advertised music sales by as much as 431%
Perhaps that is the reason a Subaru dealer Rochester NY can embrace an Australian Outback celebrity and why consumers around the world are more than happy to buy a make and model of a car that they can sing along about while listening to that new or used car’s radio.
American Pie by don McClean.
Chevrolet continues to sell a car somewhere in the world every 6.5 seconds.
Ridin’ on My Chevy by Snoop Dogg.
Chevrolets are on the road in 66% of the world.
Crocodile Rock by Elton John.
All the Chevrolets purchased in 2010 lined bumper to bumper would cover 51% of the earth?s circumference.
See the pattern?
The fact that the Chevy brand has been mentioned in more than 1,000 songs is an indicator that every car lot, whether it is a Subaru dealer Rochester NY of a small Subaru dealership in Omaha NE, should keep the radio playing loud and proud during their open sales hours.